Contenido: Compensation of occupational diseases -- Concepts of coverage of occupational diseases within workers' compensation systems -- Eligibility for occupational diseases (OD) coverage -- Claims settlement -- Assessing the future financial burden of OD claims in workers' compensation systems -- Financing the risk -- Final remarks -- Sources of information -- Glossary -- Addendum.
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Lauterbach, Anastassia
Occupational diseases: How are they covered under workers' compensation systems? [Libro]. -- München : Munich Re Group, 2002
Contenido: Compensation of occupational diseases -- Concepts of coverage of occupational diseases within workers' compensation systems -- Eligibility for occupational diseases (OD) coverage -- Claims settlement -- Assessing the future financial burden of OD claims in workers' compensation systems -- Financing the risk -- Final remarks -- Sources of information -- Glossary -- Addendum.
1. ENFERMEDADES PROFESIONALES; 2. COBERTURA DEL SEGURO I. Tautphoeus, Margarita von II. Munich Re Group