Contenido: Presentations: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and soft tissue injuries in the trades. - Interventions currently used in the trades to control MSDs and soft tissue injury risk factors
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Albers, Jim
Proceedings of a meeting to explore the use of ergonomics interventions for the mechanical and electrical trades [Libro]. -- Cincinnati : NIOSH, 2006. -- DHHS (NIOSH)
Contenido: Presentations: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and soft tissue injuries in the trades. - Interventions currently used in the trades to control MSDs and soft tissue injury risk factors
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2006-119
1. TRASTORNOS MUSCULOESQUELETICOS; 2. ERGONOMIA; 3. CONFERENCIA I. Estill, Cherie II. MacDonald, Leslie III. Pipe trades training center (2002-2002)