Environmental health criteria
[Libro]. --
La biblioteca tiene los números 1 a 44 impresos
No. 1 - Mercury (1976) - full text [htm]
No. 2 - Polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls (1976, 1st edition) - full text [htm]
No. 3 - Lead (1977) - full text [htm]
No. 4 - Nitrogen oxides (1977, 1st edition) - full text [htm]
No. 5 - Nitrates, nitrites, and N-nitroso compounds (1978) - full text [htm]
No. 6 - Principles and methods for evaluating the toxicity of chemicals, Part I (1978) - full text [htm]
No. 7 - Photochemical oxidants (1978) - full text [htm]
No. 8 - Sulfur oxides and suspended particulate matter (1979) - full text [htm]
No. 9 - DDT and its derivatives (1979) - full text [htm]
No. 10 - Carbon disulfide (1979)- full text [htm]
No. 11 - Mycotoxins (1979) - full text [htm]
No. 12 - Noise (1980) - full text [htm]
No. 13 - Carbon monoxide (1979) - full text [htm]
No. 14 - Ultraviolet radiation (1979, 1st edition) - full text [htm]
No. 15 - Tin and organotin compounds (1980) - full text [htm]
No. 16 - Radiofrequency and microwaves (1981) - full text [htm]
No. 17 - Manganese (1981) - full text [htm]
No. 18 - Arsenic (1981) - full text [htm]
No. 19 - Hydrogen sulfide (1981)- full text [htm]
No. 20 - Petroleum products, selected (1982) - full text [htm]
No. 22 - Ultrasound (1982) - full text [htm]
No. 23 - Lasers and optical radiation (1982) - full text [htm]
No. 24 - Titanium (1982) - full text [htm]
No. 25 - Radionuclides, selected (1983) - full text [htm]
No. 26 - Styrene (1983) - full text [htm]
No. 27 - Guidelines on studies in environmental epidemiology (1983) - full text [htm]
No. 28 - Acrylonitrile (No. 28, 1983) - full text [htm]
No. 29 - 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 30 - Principles for evaluating health risks to progeny associated with exposure to chemicals during pregnancy (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 31 - Tetrachloroethylene (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 32 - Methylene chloride ( 1984, 1st edition) - full text [htm]
No. 33 - Epichlorohydrin ( 1984) - full text [htm]
No. 34 - Chlordane ( 1984) - full text [htm]
No. 35 - Extremely low frequency (ELF) fields ( 1984) - full text [htm]
No. 36 - Fluorine and fluorides (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 37 - Biotoxins, aquatic (marine and freshwater) (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 38 - Heptachlor (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 39 - Paraquat and diquat (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 40 - Endosulfan (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 41 - Quintozene (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 42 - Tecnazene (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 43 - Chlordecone (1984) - full text [htm]
No. 44 - Mirex (1984) - full text [htm]
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