Contenido: Introduction: Why worker participation is important -- The role of employers -- The role of workers -- The role of worker representatives -- Effective worker participation checklists -- Resources and further information.
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Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo (EU-OSHA)
Worker participation in occupational safety and health: a practical guide [Recurso Electrónico]. -- Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas ((editor)), 2011
Contenido: Introduction: Why worker participation is important -- The role of employers -- The role of workers -- The role of worker representatives -- Effective worker participation checklists -- Resources and further information.
doi: 10.2802/27434
ISBN: 9789291915934
1. Documento en Internet; 2. PARTICIPACION DE LOS TRABAJADORES; 3. PUB EU-OSHA I. European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)