Contenido: Aims of the guidelines -- Ergonomics and its practice -- Identifying workplace problems -- Risk management in the workplace -- Planning and implementing workplace improvements -- Useful tools for implementing workplace improvements -- Two hundred principles of occupational ergonomics -- Glossary of terms -- Sources of useful information.
ISBN: 9783935089163
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Scott, Pat
Ergonomics guidelines for occupational health practice in industrially developing countries [Recurso Electrónico]. -- Hsinchu : International Ergonomics Association; International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH), 2010
Contenido: Aims of the guidelines -- Ergonomics and its practice -- Identifying workplace problems -- Risk management in the workplace -- Planning and implementing workplace improvements -- Useful tools for implementing workplace improvements -- Two hundred principles of occupational ergonomics -- Glossary of terms -- Sources of useful information.
ISBN: 9783935089163
1. Documento en Internet; 2. ERGONOMIA; 3. PAISES EN DESARROLLO; 4. SALUD EN EL TRABAJO; 5. PLANIFICACION DE LA SEGURIDAD I. Kogi, Kazutaka II. McPhee, Barbara