Norma EN ISO 9241 - 303 : 2011(E) : ergonomics of human-system interaction. Part 303 : requirements for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241 - 303 : 2011)
SOLO PARA COSULTA EN BIBLIOTECA. Para más información sobre las normas IRAM, consultar
Esta norma sustituye a EN ISO 9241 - 303:2008
This part of ISO 9241 establishes image-quality requeriments, as wel as providing guideless, for electronic visual displays. These are given in the form of generic - infependent of tecnology, task and environment - performance specifications and recommendations that will ensure effective and confortable viewing conditions for users with normal and adjusted-to-normal eyesight. This part of de standart does not address issues of accesibility for people with disbilities. However, it does take into account aspects of the eyesight of older people and could be of value to people dealing with issues of visual impairment in certain cases: the specification of essencial characteristics for normal viewing can be use to gauge the severity of different visual abnormalities so that appropiate solutions can be identified
Annex F gives a selected bibliography of documents addressing the needs of disabilities, including people with poor, deteriorating or no eyesight
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Norma EN ISO 9241 - 303 : 2011(E) : ergonomics of human-system interaction. Part 303 : requirements for electronic visual displays (ISO 9241 - 303 : 2011) [No convencional]. -- Madrid : AENOR, 2011
SOLO PARA COSULTA EN BIBLIOTECA. Para más información sobre las normas IRAM, consultar
Esta norma sustituye a EN ISO 9241 - 303:2008
This part of ISO 9241 establishes image-quality requeriments, as wel as providing guideless, for electronic visual displays. These are given in the form of generic - infependent of tecnology, task and environment - performance specifications and recommendations that will ensure effective and confortable viewing conditions for users with normal and adjusted-to-normal eyesight. This part of de standart does not address issues of accesibility for people with disbilities. However, it does take into account aspects of the eyesight of older people and could be of value to people dealing with issues of visual impairment in certain cases: the specification of essencial characteristics for normal viewing can be use to gauge the severity of different visual abnormalities so that appropiate solutions can be identified
Annex F gives a selected bibliography of documents addressing the needs of disabilities, including people with poor, deteriorating or no eyesight