Bases de datos adicionales incluidas: IDHL Database, International Chemical Safety Cards, NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook, OSHA Sampling and Analytical Methods, Toxicologic Review of Selected Chemicals, Recommendations for Chemical Protective Clothing, Chemicals Cited by ICSC and NPG - MDL RTECS, Specific Medical Tests for OSHA-Regulated Substances
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National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards [Libro]. -- s.l : NIOSH, 2005
Bases de datos adicionales incluidas: IDHL Database, International Chemical Safety Cards, NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook, OSHA Sampling and Analytical Methods, Toxicologic Review of Selected Chemicals, Recommendations for Chemical Protective Clothing, Chemicals Cited by ICSC and NPG - MDL RTECS, Specific Medical Tests for OSHA-Regulated Substances