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Catálogo Bibliográfico

158.72 CAR 1532


Stress management for the health of it

[No convencional]. -- , . --

  Este material está compuesto de artículos sobre estrés de diferentes fuentes: Clemson University, Niosh, Job Stress Network, Boletín digital FH
Contenido: Stress management for the health of it: lesson 1, lesson 2 /the Clemson University Extension Service. Work, stress and Health/Niosh. Job strain model/Job stress network. Occupational Stress and stressors/Job stress network. Stress in the workplace/ Peter Matthews. Stress management interventions in the workplace/ Stephen Palmer; Centre for the stress management. The differents hind of stress/APA help center


  (4) Inv.: 003135 S.T.: 158.72 CAR 1532
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación Estado de Disponibilidad Tipo de Préstamo
003135 158.72 CAR 1532
Sarmiento 1962 - Entrepiso
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Teléfono: (11) 4321-3500, interno 1300
e-mail: biblioteca@srt.gob.ar

Formulario para Solicitud de Material

The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service (Clemson Extension)
Stress management for the health of it [No convencional]. -- Clemson, South Carolina : The Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service (Clemson Extension), 1997

Este material está compuesto de artículos sobre estrés de diferentes fuentes: Clemson University, Niosh, Job Stress Network, Boletín digital FH
Contenido: Stress management for the health of it: lesson 1, lesson 2 /the Clemson University Extension Service. Work, stress and Health/Niosh. Job strain model/Job stress network. Occupational Stress and stressors/Job stress network. Stress in the workplace/ Peter Matthews. Stress management interventions in the workplace/ Stephen Palmer; Centre for the stress management. The differents hind of stress/APA help center


(4) Inv.: 003135 S.T.: 158.72 CAR 1532